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7 Culprits Behind Your Dead Car Battery and How to Avoid Them

Austin Potts • Jan 12, 2024

Car batteries can unexpectedly fail at the most inconvenient times. Dealing with a dead car battery while on the go is undeniably one of the most frustrating ordeals, particularly when you're en route to work or an important appointment.  In this blog post, Potts Towing, your reliable tow truck company in Forsyth County, will uncover the seven common culprits behind frequent car battery issues and explore how you can prevent them.

Short-Distance Drives

Many of us have short commutes or errands within our local neighborhoods.  Although they may seem harmless, these short trips can take a toll on your car’s battery because they don’t allow your alternator enough time to fully recharge the battery.  Over time, this results in a weak battery that’s more prone to dying unexpectedly.

Tip: Try taking your car for a longer drive at least once a week to give the battery a chance to recharge.  If you make short trips regularly, consider investing in a battery maintainer to keep it charged.

Loose or Corroded Battery Cables

Sometimes, the problem isn’t with the battery itself but rather with the connections.  Loose or corroded battery cables can disrupt the flow of electricity, preventing the battery from charging correctly.  This issue, often overlooked, can lead to frustrating and intermittent battery problems.

Tip: Regularly inspect your battery cables for signs of corrosion or looseness.  If you spot any issues, clean the terminals and tighten the connections.  Additionally, you should consider using anti-corrosion spray to prevent future corrosion.

Leaving Light or Accessories On

We’ve all been there: you accidentally leave your headlights or interior lights on or leave accessories like phone chargers plugged in, draining the battery while your car is parked.

Tip: Make it a habit to double-check that all lights and accessories have been turned off every time you exit your vehicle. You can also consider investing in a jump starter kit for emergencies.

Old Car Battery

Car batteries have a limited lifespan.  Over time, they naturally degrade and become less efficient at holding a charge.  If your battery is old, expect it to fail any time soon, especially during extreme weather conditions.

Tip: Replace your car battery as your vehicle manufacturer recommends or when you notice signs of weakening.

Extreme Temperatures

As mentioned in the previous point, extreme weather conditions, whether hot or cold, can affect your car’s battery.  Cold weather slows down the chemical reactions in the battery, which makes starting your car a lot more difficult.  The cold also makes it hard for the alternator to keep the battery charged.  Hot weather, on the other hand, can lead to water loss and battery fluid evaporation. This then reduces the battery’s lifespan.

Tip: Consider installing a battery insulation kit if you live in a cold climate.  In hot weather, park your car in the shade whenever possible or use a battery heat shield to protect it from extreme heat.

Parasitic Battery Drain

Parasitic battery drain occurs when specific electrical components or systems in your car continue to draw power even when the engine is off.  This hidden drain can eventually deplete your battery’s charge, leaving you with a dead battery.

Tip: If you suspect a parasitic battery drain, consult a professional mechanic to help you pinpoint the exact source of the drain and fix the issue.

Faulty Alternator

The car’s alternator is responsible for charging the battery while the engine is running.  If the alternator fails or malfunctions, it won’t be able to properly recharge the battery, which leads to frequent battery issues

Tip: If you experience recurring battery problems, have your alternator inspected and tested by a qualified mechanic.  Replacing a faulty alternator can save you from ongoing battery problems.


A dead car battery is, without a doubt, a major inconvenience.  That said, understanding the culprits behind your frequent battery issues can help you take the appropriate preventive measures.  Addressing issues like the ones outlined in this article can help reduce your chances of being stuck with a non-starting vehicle.

Trust Potts Towing for Your Jumpstart Needs

Sometimes, despite your best efforts to address the common culprits behind a dead car battery, it may still fail.  If you find yourself in this situation, remember that Potts Towing is just a phone call away.  Our 24/7 towing services in Forsyth County, also available all over the North Georgia region, are here to make sure you’re never stranded by the side of the road.

Don’t let a dead battery ruin your day.  Contact Potts’ Towing today for a quick and reliable jump-start service, and we’ll get you back on the road in no time.

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